Right Side Patriots is a hard hitting, no holds barred, conservative radio station reporting the truth the mainstream media will not. Right Side Patriots, Craig Andresen and Diane Sori, are professional political bloggers whose articles and Investigative Reports have been published in major online newspaper sites. Together they have almost 20-years experience covering the political arena, including 8-years on air as Right Side Patriots.

Op-Eds and Commentaries

The BLM’s Astounding Hypocrisy Exposed

The BLM’s Astounding Hypocrisy Exposed

The BLM is all the rage right now, and they’ve joined forces with some pretty obtuse groups. The BLM has aligned itself with the domestic terrorist organization ANTIFA for one, and straight down the line, they consistently show that they are anything but what they claim to ...


July 21st, 2020

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BLM…Separating Truth From Fiction

BLM…Separating Truth From Fiction

Recently, President Trump (rightfully) declared the anarchist group Antifa as domestic terrorists, but my question now is can Black Lives Matter (BLM) be far behind. And while I know it’s not politically correct to say this…and I know I’ll get flack for ...


July 21st, 2020

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Cancel Culture – Biting the Hand That Fed It

Cancel Culture – Biting the Hand That Fed It

The liberal left created the monster.They raised it up, fed it, took it out for walks in the park, loved it and powdered its behind.They embraced it, hugged, championed it and became attached to it.Liberals claimed it as their own, and as they unleashed it on the general ...


July 21st, 2020

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The Leopard That Is Iran

The Leopard That Is Iran

As we’ve all been (rightfully) focused on the nasty little virus from China as well as the homegrown miscreants and thugs trying to destroy our beloved America, there have been other important events going on in the world that have been getting little to no media ...


July 21st, 2020

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Ghislaine Maxwell…A Canary In a Cage

Ghislaine Maxwell…A Canary In a Cage

Ghislaine Maxwell. The close associate and pimp of under aged girls of the now dead Jeffery Epstein was arrested last week, and is now being housed in a federal prison in Brooklyn New York. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE


July 21st, 2020

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On Race, Politics, and Behaviors Learned

On Race, Politics, and Behaviors Learned

To quote a 2018 article in National Geographic, “There’s no scientific basis for race – it’s a made-up label.” The first question then is, is that really the truth for what we are witnessing in today’s America seems to counteract that very statement. And ...


July 21st, 2020

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Dear BLM…I’m Sorry

Dear BLM…I’m Sorry

Over the course of the past several weeks, we have all seen a Marxist organization running amok in our streets trying to form a political party and wreaking havoc in our cities. This band of thugs has been defacing and tearing down monuments and statues, looting businesses, ...


July 21st, 2020

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