Right Side Patriots is a hard hitting, no holds barred, conservative radio station reporting the truth the mainstream media will not. Right Side Patriots, Craig Andresen and Diane Sori, are professional political bloggers whose articles and Investigative Reports have been published in major online newspaper sites. Together they have almost 20-years experience covering the political arena, including 8-years on air as Right Side Patriots.

Op-Eds and Commentaries

Liberal Desperation At a Fever Pitch

Liberal Desperation At a Fever Pitch

When your party’s platform includes nothing of substance, no plan for growing the economy, creating more jobs, a strong national defense or strengthening our position on the world stage including trade agreements or strengthening our position on the world stage including ...


August 6th, 2020

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Two Different Shades of Black

Two Different Shades of Black

“The liberals play the race card, because they have very little else to play when they want to try and attack conservatives, or attack somebody like me who considers themselves, I consider myself, an American black conservative.”  – Herman Cain in a 2011 interview, and


August 3rd, 2020

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John Lewis – A Bridge Too Far

John Lewis – A Bridge Too Far

Revisionist history seems to be one of liberalism’s foremost platform planks. When history, real history doesn’t fit their agenda, they just ignore it, and replace it with a myth. The problem liberals have with history is that it tells a story of the past, and while it has ...


July 30th, 2020

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Has An American Race War Already Began?

Has An American Race War Already Began?

…America is already somewhat but not officially at war…a Democrat initiated war with herself…and it seems we patriots can only figuratively fight back against the ongoing anarchy and insurrection that surrounds us as partisan driven politicians continue to ...


July 30th, 2020

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Joe Biden, the Democrats, and the Muslim Vote

Joe Biden, the Democrats, and the Muslim Vote

“We need 5,000 muslims to run for public office in order to short-circuit the bigots power grid.” – Imraan Siddiq, a member of CAIR-Arizona’s Board of Directors. There’s an old saying, “It’s always darkest before the dawn,” and right now those words are ...


July 27th, 2020

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This, That and The Other Thing

This, That and The Other Thing

There just doesn’t seem to be any let-up in the amount of manure to which we are being subjected by the mainstream media regarding current distractions from Joe Biden’s diminished mental state with now less than 100 days until the election. Read the full article here.


July 27th, 2020

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The BLM’s Astounding Hypocrisy Exposed

The BLM’s Astounding Hypocrisy Exposed

The BLM is all the rage right now, and they’ve joined forces with some pretty obtuse groups. The BLM has aligned itself with the domestic terrorist organization ANTIFA for one, and straight down the line, they consistently show that they are anything but what they claim to ...


July 21st, 2020

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