Science & Medicine
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Alien Clues in Strange Martian Stone: Scientists Stunned by Rover Discovery
By Purdue University – SciTechDaily

Sometimes, scientists have to dig, work, and sweat to make scientific discoveries. And sometimes, a robot rolls over a rock that turns out to be a revelation.
That’s what happened when Mars exploration expert Roger Wiens, professor of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences in the College of Science at Purdue University, had NASA’s Perseverance rover fire its laser at some unusually pale rocks on the Martian surface — and discovered that they were composed of unusually high levels of aluminum associated with the mineral kaolinite.
That was interesting in itself, but what made the discovery truly fascinating is that this mineral typically forms only in very warm and wet environments. The finding, published by Wiens and his team in Nature Communications Earth & Environment, suggests that Mars may have been warmer, wetter, and weirder than scientists previously thought. Read more here.
How did the large brain evolve?
Deutsches Primatenzentrum (DPZ)/German Primate Center / ScienceDaily

Two specific genes that evolve exclusively in humans jointly influence the development of the cerebrum. Researchers from the German Primate Center — Leibniz Institute for Primate Research and the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics have discovered this in a recently published study. They have thus provided evidence that these genes contribute together to the evolutionary enlargement of the brain.
The results of the study show that the two genes act in a finely tuned interplay: one ensures that the progenitor cells of the brain multiply more, while the other causes these cells to transform into a different type of progenitor.
In the course of evolution, this interplay has led to the human brain being unique in its size and complexity.
The newly gained insights not only provide a deeper understanding of the evolutionary development of our brain but could also help to better comprehend how certain developmental disorders or diseases of the brain arise. Read more here.
Life on Mars? NASA’s Curiosity Rover Finds Prebiotic Clues in a 3.7-Billion-Year-Old Rock
By Lonnie Shekhtman, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center – SciTechDaily

NASA’s Curiosity rover has unearthed the largest organic molecules ever detected on Mars—possible fragments of fatty acids—hinting at the tantalizing possibility that prebiotic chemistry on the Red Planet may have been more advanced than previously thought.
Found in a sample from Gale Crater’s Yellowknife Bay, these molecules suggest Mars once hosted conditions suitable for complex chemical evolution, possibly even life. Although the origin of the molecules remains uncertain, their preservation and size boost hopes for finding biosignatures in future missions, especially with plans to bring Martian samples back to Earth.
Largest Organic Molecules Yet on Mars: NASA’s Curiosity rover has detected the largest organic compounds ever found on Mars. The discovery, published on March 24 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggests that prebiotic chemistry – the kind of chemistry that can…Read more here.
Low carb diets may increase colorectal cancer risk

- Colorectal cancer rates have been rising in children, teens, and young adults in recent years.
- Researchers recently studied different types of diets and bacteria to see if the gut microbiome and diet impact the development of colorectal cancer.
- The scientists combined three different diets with three different bacterial strains to see what effects — if any — the diets and bacterial strain had on the gut.
- They learned that a low carb, low fiber diet combined with a particular strain of Escherichia coli can lead to an increase in polyps in the colon, which can lead to developing colorectal cancer.
Low carb diets, such as the keto diet, have increased in popularity in recent years, but many experts wonder if the health effects of a more restricted diet could have negative consequences.
Researchers from the University of Toronto in Canada recently conducted a study to explore how low carb diets can affect bacteria linked to colorectal cancer. Read more here.