Right Side Patriots is a hard hitting, no holds barred, conservative radio station reporting the truth the mainstream media will not. Right Side Patriots, Craig Andresen and Diane Sori, are professional political bloggers whose articles and Investigative Reports have been published in major online newspaper sites. Together they have almost 20-years experience covering the political arena, including 8-years on air as Right Side Patriots.

Op-Eds and Commentaries

The Intellect and Conscience of Independence

The Intellect and Conscience of Independence

On July 4th, we celebrate our nation’s birth and this year, 2020, it will be the 244th time we have done so but that date, while by no means suspect, should be seen in context. One of our founders thought the celebration would occur on a different date and he, in no ...


July 21st, 2020

One comment

On The Birth Of Our Nation

On The Birth Of Our Nation

“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth…” and so it began two hundred and forty-four years ago today as the ...


July 21st, 2020

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