Right Side Patriots is a hard hitting, no holds barred, conservative radio station reporting the truth the mainstream media will not. Right Side Patriots, Craig Andresen and Diane Sori, are professional political bloggers whose articles and Investigative Reports have been published in major online newspaper sites. Together they have almost 20-years experience covering the political arena, including 8-years on air as Right Side Patriots.

Op-Eds and Commentaries

A Diplomatic Win That Now Cannot Be Ignored

A Diplomatic Win That Now Cannot Be Ignored

…And so the leaders of these more moderate Arab nations finally understand the dangerous game of and the jockeying for ultimate regional control and power that the mullahs of Iran are playing, after all Iran’s wants are indeed truly transparent. Never has Iran hidden ...


September 10th, 2020

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2020 And Beyond

2020 And Beyond

It took 90 days of riots, arson, looting, assaults, the targeting of police officers and murder before Joe Biden and Kamala Harris finally uttered a single word of condemnation regarding the liberal sponsored violence. 90 days of Joe hiding in his basement, and those 90 days


September 3rd, 2020

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Coming to a City Near You…Maybe

Coming to a City Near You…Maybe

And here let it be known that “civil rights” are not just rights afforded BLM and Antifa protesters, rioters, looters, arsonists, and thugs…as the Democrats and liberal media are trying hard to make you believe…but are rights afforded to all “We the ...


September 3rd, 2020

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Liberalism…From Bullcrap to Bear Poop

Liberalism…From Bullcrap to Bear Poop

I’ve had enough. Have YOU had enough? I have had way MORE than enough of the liberal bullcrap in all of its various forms and I’m willing to bet you have too. The mainstream media, and the cesspool of turds that inhabit it along with their masters, the liberal elected elite ...


August 31st, 2020

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Those Railroading the Police

Those Railroading the Police

Simply…I’m sick of Black Lives Matter…I’m sick of Antifa…I’m sick of Democrats not only condoning those folks most reprehensible of behaviors but egging them on as well. I’m sick of miscreants and thugs thinking that what’s ...


August 31st, 2020

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Derek Chauvin Should Be Exonerated

Derek Chauvin Should Be Exonerated

Over the past six months or so “We the People” have basically been rendered housebound courtesy of the nasty little virus from China. And in the case of Right Side Patriots being housebound it left us with lots time to do what we do best…separating facts from fiction ...


August 27th, 2020

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A Shift of Power Hiding in Plain Sight

A Shift of Power Hiding in Plain Sight

Last Thursday, President Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Crown Prince of Abdu Dhabi Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), released a joint statement announcing the “full normalization of relations” between Israel and the ...


August 24th, 2020

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