Diane Sori & Craig Andresen

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori would like to wish all our Right Side Patriots web site readers and RSP Radio listeners a very Happy New Year…a year that if the mid-terms go as we think they will go that our country can be set ‘right’ ...


December 31st, 2021

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori would like to wish all our Right Side Patriots web site readers and RSP Radio listeners a very Merry Christmas and a Happy (covid free) New Year. After spending the holidays with family and friends we will return on Friday, ...


December 23rd, 2021

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From Maids a’ Milking to Mask Mandates…Merry Christmas

From Maids a’ Milking to Mask Mandates…Merry Christmas

It’s that magical time of the year with Christmas now being just mere days away. And while the “powers that be” try again to fill our stockings with every and anything Covid related…booster shots as presents anyone… Christmas still remains ...


December 20th, 2021

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The Social Security Conundrum

The Social Security Conundrum

…make those in Congress live on a monthly sum of money even less than what Social Security currently pays beneficiaries, what with inflation now and in the future driving up the cost of goods and services even higher with each passing day…Read entire article here.


December 13th, 2021

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Remember and Honor

Remember and Honor

Today, 80 years later, we remember the day that stunned America and changed the world forever. Never Forget…Honor those lost always.


December 7th, 2021

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December 7th, 2021

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Naming the Instigators of Domestic Terrorism

Naming the Instigators of Domestic Terrorism

…this racial narrative is getting old and tiring as is the liberal media’s falling in lockstep with a racial discourse that is laughable at best for it’s the media who is pushing forward said narrative, after all divisiveness is what helps sell the ...


December 6th, 2021

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